Call for Submissions – Research Workshops

The Second International Workshop on Global and Hybrid Work in Software Engineering (GoHyb)

25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Workshop paper submissions: April 19, 2024
  • Workshop paper notifications: May 14, 2024
  • Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: TBD (post-conference date)

* All dates are defined as the end of the day anywhere on Earth (AoE). Please note that some dates may change.

Call and Topics of Interest

Global software engineering has been widely practiced for several years, and there is quite a lot of knowledge in the field about distributed teams. The recent Covid-19 pandemic forced software engineers to work fully remotely, making it necessary for everyone to quickly learn how to efficiently collaborate and use tools for remote work. Even now, after the pandemic, many software engineering organizations are adopting hybrid ways of working, creating new opportunities for individuals and companies. However, hybrid work also brings challenges: teams and companies need to agree on the new ways of working. Is there something we can learn from global software engineering that can be used in hybrid work? How are hybrid agile teams going to work in the future? What is going to be the new normal for software engineering in the world of hybrid work?

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Issues and challenges in global and hybrid work, such as inequality between hybrid and non-hybrid employees, socialization possibilities, workplace culture, well-being, and their impact on software engineering activities
  • Methods, tools, and practices for hybrid work. For example, coordination, synchronization, and collaboration practices in hybrid teams
  • Adaptations of methods and tools for hybrid work
  • Agile software development in global and hybrid working settings
  • Innovative ways of collaboration in global and hybrid working settings
  • Industry experience on global and hybrid work
  • Education and training on global and hybrid work in software engineering, e.g., skills and mindsets needed for effective hybrid work

Submission Guidelines

There are two submission categories:

  1. Full papers (8-pages): We encourage submissions of contributions describing different stages of research, from position papers and work-in-progress to complete research reports, as well as industry experience reports. We welcome both research and industry papers. 
  2. Short industry presentations: We welcome industry experiences, challenges, solutions and ideas for topics that would benefit from rigorous research. Presentation suggestions can be submitted in the format of a 2-page paper or max 5 slides describing the main idea, the presenters, and their experience in the topic. 

GoHyb seeks submissions describing novel research, experience reports, as well as emerging ideas. We are interested in studies describing original and unpublished results in the field of global and hybrid work in software engineering. The focus of the workshop is on new promising ideas and therefore work-in-progress reports are welcome to ignite discussion in the workshop. The industrial presentations aim to bring the industry viewpoint by discussing current challenges, solutions, and new ideas on the topic.

There is no limit on the number of submissions an author may submit, but authors are advised to focus on quality rather than quantity.

All submissions must conform to the LNBIP formatting and submission instructions. Read the instructions for authors here.

If the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors needs to attend the conference, as the workshop will run in person.

All submissions must be done electronically via EasyChair by the defined deadline.


The XP 2024 workshops conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) as Open Access.

Submissions will be screened on rigor and relevance and then evaluated by program committee members based on soundness, significance, novelty, verifiability, and presentation quality.


  • Maria Paasivaara, LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland (email)
  • Dron Khanna, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (email)

Program Committee Members (TBC)

  • Ricardo Britto, Ericsson/BTH, Sweden
  • Tony Clear, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
  • Casper Lassenius, Aalto University,Finland
  • Christof Ebert , Vector Consulting, Germany
  • Maarit Laanti, WikiAgile, Finland
  • Filippo Lanubile, University of Bari, Italy
  • Ramesh Lal, Auckland University of Technology
  • Nils Brede Moe, SINTEF, Norway
  • David Redmiles, University of California, Irvine, USA
  • Iflaah Salman, LUT University, Finland
  • Darja Smite, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Igor Steinmacher, North Arizona University, USA
  • Viktoria Stray, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Paolo Tell, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Aurora Vizcaíno, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Mani V.S., Siemens Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., India
  • Maduka Uwadi, University of Central Lancashire
  • Mahum Adil, University of Bolzano, Italy 


If you have any questions or comments about a specific workshop, please contact the organizers above.

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