Call for Submissions: Industry and Practice

Leadership and Culture

XP 2024 – 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Proposal submissions: February 19, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2024
  • Deadline to acknowledge acceptance: April 12, 2024

All dates are defined as end-of-day anywhere on Earth.

Please note that some of the dates may change.

Call and Topics of Interest

While Agile has proven itself at team and team-of-teams levels, there is still an opportunity for better support by and integration with the rest of the organization.

When this kind of support and integration is missing, you might notice tension and frustration building up or morale going down, adversely affecting the overall agility and performance of the organization.

Therefore, in this track, we invite presentations telling both good and bad stories about Agile meeting corporate reality and what we can learn from them.

We are looking for engaging new perspectives on these and similar topical questions:

  • What is expected from leadership and culture in an agile organization?
  • What is changing about our perceptions of trust, safety, power, control, and similar significant factors?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities that companies face from a Leadership and Culture perspective?
  • How can leaders foster innovation and experimentation that encourages taking risks and adjusting based on learning?
  • What are the most effective ways to build trust between leaders and people and between teams?
  • How can leaders balance the need for structure and stability with the need for agility and flexibility?
  • How do you deal with dysfunction, like e.g., situations where senior leaders do not buy in, and culture seems to be against you?
  • What are the best practices for creating a workplace that values diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Based on all incoming proposals, we will curate a diverse and comprehensive program woven into the other tracks of the conference.

Submission Guidelines

The submission should contain the following information:

  • Abstract: Explain the general topic and highlight the concepts the session is going to cover.
  • Learning outcomes: 1-3 reasons why a participant should choose this particular session and what would be the lessons learned.
  • Process / Mechanics: Rough agenda for the session, session style (lecture, interactive, demo)
  • Target Audience: (e.g. developers, managers, …)
  • Prerequisites required of attendees: (e.g. basic knowledge in …, familiarity with …, … )
  • Level: introductory, practicing, expert
  • Short biography of the speaker(s)
  • And of course, you can also provide any additional information for the PC that helps decide on your submission.


Submissions will only be accepted via the EasyChair platform.

Note: In addition to an abstract, you should upload a PDF in the submission system. 


Proposals are evaluated on:

  • Relevancy for and inspiration of the participants’ learning
  • Grounded in the proposers’ experience
  • Clear and convincing. Note during the submission phase it competes with other proposals, so convince us of its importance
  • Engaging and involving. Tell us how you make it interesting, attractive, and maybe even entertaining for the participants
  • Novelty
  • Clarity and practicality of the session structure
  • Preferably supporting the conference’s main theme

People submitting a proposal will be expected to review and provide feedback on 2-3 other proposals, which will be assigned as part of the review process. 

Track Chairs

  • Andrea Provaglio, Executive Business Agility Advisor, Italy (email)
  • Morten Elvang, European Business Agility Lead, Denmark (email)


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the track chairs above.

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