Call for Submissions: Industry and Practice


XP 2024 – 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Proposal submissions: Feb 19, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2024
  • Deadline to acknowledge acceptance: April 12, 2024

All dates are defined as end-of-day anywhere on Earth.

Please note that some of the dates may change.

Call and Topics of Interest

Engineering practices have been at the core since the inception of agile methods and the XP movement. They formed the basis of the movement and changed over the past 25 years. Lean, Rapid, Crystal, Scrum, DevOps, Continuous Delivery. XP has grown, adapted, and expanded within the Agile umbrella. How did practices, principles, and values evolve with the influence of modern management methodologies? As we reflect on this remarkable journey, we invite you to share your insights, experiences, and aspirations to shape the future.

Which practices have demonstrated success? Which ones have been proven less effective, and what are the reasons behind the slow adoption of some principles and methods? Furthermore, how can we enhance the pace of adoption in a world that sees a rising number of junior developers? Should we expect XP and other Agile to be practiced by only experienced teams?

How have emerging technologies transformed our loved tools and practices in software development, and will these remain relevant in the next decade? Should our principles evolve to embrace these technological advancements? What transformations can we anticipate in the realm of software development, and should machines also adhere to Agile principles?

Let’s take a look at the past, present, and future of Agile engineering practices, principles, and values across different fields and topics:

  • Engineering Practices: Deep dives into specific engineering practices within Agile frameworks, such as test-driven development, continuous integration, and pair programming.
  • Sustainability: In Agile by integrating sustainable principles within the software development process. And by Agile: examining how engineering practices can actively contribute to broader sustainability goals.
  • Architectural Patterns: How can software architecture be designed to support Agile development processes, and what are the best practices for architectural refactoring?
  • System Scalability and Performance: Discussing strategies for ensuring system scalability and performance in an Agile development environment.
  • Engineering Metrics: Focusing on the specific metrics that are most useful for engineering teams in Agile projects, including code quality, technical debt, and performance indicators.
  • Security Considerations: How can Agile teams effectively integrate security practices (like DevSecOps) into their workflows?
  • Engineering in action: Sharing real-world examples and case studies that highlight unique challenges and successes.
  • Automation: The role of automation in testing, deployment, and other engineering processes.
  • High-Complexity Projects: Strategies and lessons learned from applying Agile in complex or large-scale engineering projects.
  • Safety Critical Software Development: Examining the application of Agile methodologies in safety-critical environments, where precision and reliability are crucial
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: How to foster effective collaboration between engineers, QA, UX/UI designers, and other roles in Agile teams.
  • The Impact of Remote Work: Exploring the challenges and innovations in Agile engineering in the context of distributed or remote teams.
  • Emerging Technologies: Diving into how emerging technologies like cloud computing, IoT, and machine learning are integrated into engineering practices.
  • Refactoring and Technical Debt: Best practices for managing and reducing technical debt.
  • Future Trends: Predictions and insights into the future direction of Agile methodologies in software engineering.

Don’t find a topic that matches your work? We are always happy to receive your proposals and your ideas about engineering topics in Agile Software Development.

Submission Guidelines

The submission should contain the following information:

  • Type and length:
    • Talk: 30, or 60 min
    • Demo: 30 min
    • Workshop: 60, or 90 min
  • Abstract: Explain the general topic and highlight the concepts the session is going to cover.
  • Learning outcomes: 1-3 reasons why a participant should choose this particular session and what the lessons learned would be.
  • Process / Mechanics: Rough agenda for the session, session style (lecture, interactive, demo)
  • Target Audience: (e.g. Developers, Managers, …)
  • Prerequisites required of attendees: (e.g. Basic knowledge in …, Familiarity with …, … )
  • Level: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert
  • Short biography of the speaker(s)

And of course, you can also provide any additional information to help us evaluate your submission. Links to podcasts or videos of previous industry presentations are welcome. You can also upload your presentation as a PDF in the submission system. 

Our objective is to create a Great Conference Program! We look forward to your submissions!

Submissions will only be accepted via the EasyChair platform.

Note: In addition to an abstract, you should upload a PDF in the submission system.


Proposals are evaluated on:

  • Relevancy for and inspiration of the participants’ learning
  • Grounded in the proposers’ experience
  • Clear and convincing. Note during the submission phase, it competes with other proposals, so convince us of its importance
  • Engaging and involving. Tell us how you make it interesting, attractive, and maybe even entertaining for the participants
  • Novelty
  • Clarity and practicality of the session structure
  • Preferably supporting the conference’s main theme

Due to the popularity of this topic, selected participants may be asked to contribute to the review of other submissions. Please specify your openness to assist co-chairs in the unbiased review and selection of other proposals. Should you volunteer and be asked to help, you will be provided administrative access to EasyChair to submit your reviews. 

Track Chairs

  • Norman Marmsoler, Head of Solutions & Platforms, Italy. (email)
  • Marco Mondini, Engineering Lead, Netherlands. (email)


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the track chairs above.

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