XP 2024 Call for Submissions

Agile Games

XP 2024 – 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission deadline: Feb 19, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2024
  • Deadline to acknowledge acceptance: April 12, 2024

All dates are defined as end-of-day anywhere on Earth.
Please note that some of the dates may change.

About the Agile Games Track

Agility is, in part, about putting people before processes. That does not mean processes are disposable; they are an important part of it. We can understand that putting people before means considering their needs before and driving the processes accordingly. One way to do so is by making the processes more interesting. And for that, games are valuable assets.

Games bring people together and create a light environment that can still be productive. Some games are specifically designed to support Agile practices and engineering processes; some others are of general purpose but can be applied in an Agile context.

The Agile Games track creates a space for game and Agile enthusiasts to come together. We aim to invest in these activities, stimulating the community to search and use new more fun approaches to these important processes, yet considering the people first.

We are looking for games and experiences along with them in Agile environments, with a special focus on, but not limited to, gamification of Agile practices, experiences with new agility-specific games, or general-purpose games applied to agility.

We welcome thoughtful participants interested in games, either game designers, game enthusiasts, or people interested in them. We would like a mix of short talks, game sessions, and discussions. We want to learn from your experiences and develop new ideas. From university professors to industrial coaches and practitioners to learning organizations – please propose something to help us put people first with fun in the processes, or just come and add to the conversation.

Submissions Details

We invite submissions of structured sessions (e.g., short talks and experience reports) to mix with game sessions and discussions. Proposals should address games and gamification in Agile that could foster good discussions, such as new games that make processes more fun or using games for team-building, strategies to assess the impact and the value of using games, games in remote and hybrid formats, and more.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to practitioners
  • Likelihood of starting a discussion
  • Being something interesting and new, not something boring and established

We expect three types of submissions:

  • Game Demo
    • Format: an abstract (250 to 500 words)
    • Content: the scenario in which the game applies, the game dynamics, and the settings
    • Playability in the Conference: willing to host a game session?
  • Game Experience Report
    • Format: 4 pages
    • Type: Presenting a New Game or Adopting a Game in a New Context
    • Presentation of the game, its purposes, settings, and dynamics
    • The scenario in which the experience happened
    • The impacts on the context, the results of the game session(s)
  • Game Publication
    • Format: 4 pages + supplementary material
    • Type: Presenting New Game
    • Presentation of the game, its purposes, settings, and dynamics
    • The scenario in which the experience happened
    • The impacts on the context, the results of the game session(s)
    • Supplementary material: rule book, game in Print-and-Play version
    • Playability in the Conference: willing to host a game session?
    • The authors must hold the rights to the game itself and all of its assets, such as, but not limited to, assets, icons, or images

The submissions are either an abstract (250 to 500 words) for the “Game Demo” setting or a short paper (max. 4 pages) for the “Game Experience Report” and “Game Publication” settings; in the case of the latter, the specified supplementary material (SM) will be acceptable, which is not constrained by the 4 pages limit: you can submit a PDF with the author’s files. Note that no SM replaces the original work, and if only the SM is submitted, it will be rejected. These submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three peers and must conform to the LNBIP formatting instructions. You can read the instructions for authors here.

During the conference, for the “Game Demo” and “Game Publication” settings where the authors marked as “willing to host a game session”, the registration of at least one of the authors for the proceedings to continue is mandatory. After the conference, you will be asked to improve your paper based on feedback from the conference participants and reviewers. The accepted papers will be published as Open Access in the post-conference proceedings by Springer (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, LNBIP).

The submissions are shared electronically via the EasyChair submission system by the defined deadlines.

Track Chairs

  • João Daniel, Co-Chair, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (email)
  • Tiago Silva da Silva, Co-Chair, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil (email)


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the track chairs above.

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