Call for Submissions – Research Workshops

Patterns for Bringing Agility to Software Engineering Activities

25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Workshop paper submissions: April 19, 2024
  • Workshop paper notifications: May 14, 2024
  • Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: TBD (post-conference date)

* All dates are defined as the end of the day anywhere on Earth (AoE). Please note that some dates may change.

Call and Topics of Interest

Software developers and those involved with programming have long observed that certain patterns recur and endure across different applications and systems. 

The growing interest in Agile Patterns, Architectural Patterns, Analysis Patterns, Design Patterns, and Pedagogical Patterns represent an effort to catalog and better communicate knowledge, providing handbooks of proven solutions to common problems. 

Patterns are a great way of getting a new view on things that you think you know by heart. Patterns are a way to pass on your knowledge to others in an easily understandable way. Patterns make your thoughts available to others to give you feedback. This workshop will be held as a MiniPLoP. 

MiniPLoPs bring together researchers, educators, and practitioners whose interests span a remarkably broad range of topics and who share an interest in exploring the power of the pattern form. 

MiniPLoP invites participants to add expertise to the growing corpus of patterns. MiniPLoP focuses on improving the expression of patterns. 

Participants will have the opportunity to refine and extend their patterns or pattern ideas with the help from knowledgeable and sympathetic fellow pattern enthusiasts. They will also be able to discuss applications of patterns in industry and academia. 

Techniques for Pattern Mining will also be presented.

Submission Guidelines

This will be an interactive hands-on workshop and you can participate in the workshop without a submission, but welcome submission of short papers (3-5 pages) of patterns or pattern ideas.

Writing new patterns will be part of the workshop. Papers will be discussed in a Writer’s Workshop session during the MiniPLoP workshop. 

Write patterns now! 

  • Patterns are a great way of getting a new view on things that you think you by heart. 
  • Patterns are a way to pass on your knowledge to others in an easily understandable way. 
  • Patterns make your thoughts available to others to give you feedback.

There is no limit on the number of submissions an author may submit, but authors are advised to focus on quality rather than quantity.

All submissions must conform to the LNBIP formatting and submission instructions. Read the instructions for authors here.

If the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors needs to attend the conference, as the workshop will run in person.

All submissions must be done electronically via EasyChair by the defined deadline.


The XP 2024 workshops conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) as Open Access.

Submissions will be screened on rigor and relevance and then evaluated by program committee members based on soundness, significance, novelty, verifiability, and presentation quality.


  • Joseph Yoder, The Refactory, Inc, United States (email)
  • Kyle Brown, IBM, United States (email)
  • Richard Gabriel
  • Valentino Vranic


If you have any questions or comments about a specific workshop, please contact the organizers above.

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