Past Events

XP 2022

June 13-17 | Copenhagen, Denmark

XP is the premier Agile software development conference to combine both research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results.

XP 2022 Keynote Speakers

XP 2022 Program Team

Conference Chair

XP 2022 Organizers

Viktoria Stray
Academic Program

Klaas-Jan Stol
Academic Program

Jutta Eckstein
Industry and Practice Track

Wouter Lagerwei
Industry and Practice Track

Hendrik Esser
Leadership Track Co-Chair

Nils Brede Moe
Leadership Track Co-Chair

Jaana Nyfjord
Leadership Track Co-Chair

Martin Kropp
Agile Education and Training Track Co-Chair

Maarit Laanti
Agile Education and Training Track Co-Chair

Josefine Bowring
Local Organizing Co-Chair

Elda Paja
Local Organizing Co-Chair

Sonja Hyrynsalmi
Publicity and Social Media Chair
Diversity & Inclusion in Agile Track Chair

Håkan Burden
Agile Games Track Chair

Stefano Vincenti
Lightning Talks Track Chair

Steve Fraser
Panels Chair

Philippe Kruchten
Proceedings Chair

Tomas Gustavsson
Experience reports Track Co-Chair

Frank Olsen
Experience Reports Track Co-Chair

Diana Larsen
Open Space Chair

Marianne Seppänen
Congress Secretariat

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