Past Events

XP 2019

MAY 21 – 25 | Montréal, Canada

XP is the premier Agile software development conference to combine both research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results.

XP 2019 Keynote Speakers

XP 2019 Program Team

Conference Chair

XP 2019 Organizers

Program Co-Chairs: Steven Fraser (Innoxec), Philippe Kruchten (UBC)

Local Arrangements: Patrick Cardinal (École de technologie supérieure)

Tutorials and Workshops: Robert Chatley (Imperial College), Shane McIntosh (McGill University)

Doctoral Symposium: Casper Lassenius (Aalto University), John Noll (University of East London)

Leadership Symposium: Dr. Gail Ferreira (Prima Leader, Inc.)

Industry and Practice: Alex Sloley (Construx), Dennis Mancl (MSWX Software Experts), Yang Wang (Bosch)

Experience Reports: Rebecca Wirfs-Brock (Agile Alliance), Steve Adolph (cPrime)

Educator’s Symposium: Craig Anslow (Victoria University Wellington), Martin Kropp (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland)

Research Workshops: Rashina Hoda (University of Auckland)

Panels: Steven Fraser (Innoxec)

Research Posters: Philippe Kruchten (UBC)

Sponsors Liaison: Philip Brock (Agile Alliance)

Agile Montréal Liaison: Martin Goyette (Agile Montréal)

Communication & Marketing: Pam Hughes (Agile Alliance)

Press & Media Sponsors: Pam Hughes (Agile Alliance)

Students Volunteers Coordinator: Roberto Erick and Lopez Herrejon (École de technologie supérieure)

XP 2019 Schedule

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