Agile Alliance Webcasts

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The Future of Agile in a Hybrid World
The Agile Manifesto tells us that “the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation,” but how can we keep teams connected in a hybrid setting? An increa…
AnaElsa Aviles and Mimi LaRaque
Dr. Dave: Hello and welcome to the Knowledge Share with Dr. Dave podcast. This is Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. The conversation today is with AnaElsa and Mimi, and we're going to learn more about their social justice experien…
Ashanti Gardner
Dr. Dave: Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcasts. This is Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. The conversation today is with Ashanti Gardner, a graphic facilitator and recorder, and a coal collaborator in the Agi…
Ann-Marie Kong
Dr. Dave: Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave Podcast. I am Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. My conversation today is with Ann-Marie Kong. Ann-Marie, how are you today? Ann-Marie: I'm good, thank you, Dr. Dave…
Agile Africa
Dr. Dave: (singing). Hello and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I am Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. I am hanging out virtually with my friends from Africa, and they are Patrick Taiwo, Elvin Assiam. He's not he…
Devon Morris
Dr. Dave: Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Doctor Dave Podcast. This is Doctor Dave Cornelius, your host. Give me an elevator pitch, one minute or so about what makes Tim, Tim? Tim Abbott: Well, what makes me, me …
A Talk with Jenny Tarwater
Dr. Dave:             So hello and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I'm Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. My conversation is with Jenny Tarwater, an internati…
Tim Abbott
Dr. Dave: Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Doctor Dave Podcast. This is Doctor Dave Cornelius, your host. Give me an elevator pitch, one minute or so about what makes Tim, Tim? Tim Abbott: Well, what makes me, me …
Agile for Humanity Interview with Deepti Jain
A talk with Deepti Jain in our series "Sharing Stories of Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC)." Transcript Dr. Dave:  Hello! And welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I am Dr. Dave Cornelius, your…
April Jefferson Interview
Transcript: Dr. Dave:                          Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podca…
Pitching it to the Team!
Motivating teams to deliver through business thinking Selling a business idea is not just about getting buy-in from executives or investors. Teams love knowing that they are solving critical problems for the organization and its c…
Introduction to Personal Agility with Kanban Journaling
One of the biggest inhibitors to personal agility is having too much work in progress and no system to help visualize and manage your work. This ultimately inhibits you from entering what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow — a hap…
Effective Retrospectives in the Age of Coronavirus
Setting the stage. Gathering data. Encouraging participation. Making your team feel safe. Suddenly Distributed: Effective Retrospectives in the Age of Coronavirus Facilitating retrospectives doesn’t come without challenges t…
Tools for Effective Distributed Agile Teams
Setting the stage. Gathering data. Encouraging participation. Making your team feel safe. How are you adapting your daily practices to meet the demands of a remote team? Where you could rely on in-person stand-ups and Post-it® …
Effective Agility in the Age of Coronavirus
To help you identify resources and navigate the challenges facing your suddenly distributed team, we’ve gathered a panel of experts to share their thoughts on the current work environment for a virtual roundtable. https://retr…

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