Thank YOU for an Awesome Agile2022 Conference!

Agile2022 Recap

Thank YOU for an awesome conference!

It’s only been two weeks since we were all together in Nashville for Agile2022. But it was such a busy and awesome week, and now it seems like a blur! At the same time, I also have some very positive memories from the event. The best memory? So many smiling faces (and yes, you can tell there is a smile even with a mask), from so many different places. (The rhyme was NOT intentional.)

A week of firsts

This conference was a “first” for a lot of us. Like many of you, it was my first Agile Alliance conference. And for most of our guests, it was the first conference they attended since 2019. It was also the first time I met most of you in person, which I loved. And I made some new friends – some very unexpected.

I grew up in a small town in east Texas. Yet somehow, among 1500 of my new closest friends from all over the world, I met a friend who also grew up in that SAME small town. We’re many years apart, but I’m pretty sure our jaws dropped when we realized we had that in common. I hope every attendee met at least one person who made them realize that it is actually a very small world.

Agile2022 Sit to Take a Stand

Sit to take a stand

There was one “first” that made a huge impression on me–it was the first time I was in a space where I felt we could all be our true authentic selves. At Agile Together we celebrated our differences and shared our stories as part of a #SitWithMe campaign. The stories were truly powerful. Agile Alliance values diversity, equity, and inclusion. And from what I saw, this is more than just words on paper. This is important.

Learning lessons

What are my key takeaways from my first Agile Alliance conference?

  • This group loves to learn and have fun.
  • The Program Team, Track Chairs, and the “Purple Shirts” are AMAZING! They made it all happen.
  • The speakers and facilitators at Agile2022 were top-notch!
  • It is not only acceptable to wear a tiara at Agile Alliance conferences – it is encouraged. Thanks, Jen Krieger for sharing!
  • Your Agile Alliance Board of Directors is a solid group. It is a pleasure working with them.
  • Agile members can have fun at a meet & greet, even with limited supplies. Thank you, Agile in Color!
  • It seems everyone (except me) had a backpack filled with A/V equipment – very handy during meetings.
  • One Shania Twain song will get everyone on the dance floor. I think I already knew that one, but it was fun to see it in action at the Wildhorse Saloon.

Many thanks

I can’t end this post without saying thank you to all of those who made this event possible!

Thank you to all of you for your differences, your dedication to learning, and your kindness. YOU made Agile2022 special.

I look forward to seeing you at Agile2023 in Orlando!

Teresa Foster
Agile Alliance Managing Director

Agile2022 Volunteers*Our Agile2022 Volunteers

Sophie Addington, Ankur Agarwal, Benny Baggott, Mike Bermanm, Alex Bernardin, Jane Bertram, Larry Bock, Canessa Boyd, Vicki Braun, David Bujard, Jim Byers, Marilou Canon, Valerie Charron, Annelie Coetzee, Courtney Crowell, Colleen Esposito, David Ferguson, Laura Fisher, Ken France, Patty Garza, Cheri Hansen (DiCarlo), Joy Hill, Joyce Juleau, Rebecca Kaufman, Lou Laughlin, Betsy Layman, Stephanie Merkel, Chris Montgomery, Jenn Moore, Shane Munroe, Godwin Nwaugha, Vickie Perry, Mark Rajpal, Alejandra Rodriguez, Jessica Roberts, Lorena Robles, Jay Rowland, Sharon Sanhai, Karina Savage, Kevin Sawyer, Bria Schecker, Sathpal Singh, Sarah Skillman, Jennelle Stearns, Meyer Tanuan, Megan Windle, and Grace Willis

Agile2022 photos ©2022 Northman Creative Productions
Volunteers group photo ©Kaufman Photography

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Picture of Teresa Foster

Teresa Foster

Teresa Foster is the Managing Director of Agile Alliance. Teresa is a certified association executive with more than 20 years of executive-level experience in association management, including time spent at national, regional, and local organizations. While most of her experience is in executive leadership, her skill set includes internal and external communications, corporate sponsorship, and financial management. She also has extensive experience in human resources, contract negotiations, and program development. Teresa’s passion is helping companies…

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