The Importance of Data in Software Development

The Importance of Data in Software Development

In this interview, I had the pleasure of talking with Adela Tort, a developer with many years of experience and great passion for the technical side of software development. Adela […]

The Value of Caring Tasks in Our Environment

The Value of Caring Tasks in Our Environment

In this interview I had the great pleasure of speaking with Antonio de la Torre (Toño), who from his native Spain has been doing valuable technical mentoring for various companies. […]

Some Thoughts on Continuous Delivery

Some Thoughts on Continuous Delivery

For this interview, I had the pleasure to talk to Gisela Decuzzi, an Argentine software developer with a strong passion for Agile technical practices. Gisela joined 10Pines more than eight […]

How to Increase Velocity

How to increase team velocity

Do you want to know a trick to increase your team’s velocity? Now that I have your attention I want to tell you that tricks don’t work. I’ve seen people […]

Founding a Code Bootcamp Based on Agile Values

Agile Code Bootcamp

Our latest experience report, Founding a Code Bootcamp with Agile, is by Harold Shinsato. Harold is a co-founder and one of the instructors of the Montana Code School. The initial […]

Pair Programming vs. Mob Programming

Pair Programming versus Mob Programming

I was talking to some friends at Agile2016 about which they thought was more effective, pair programming done well or mob programming done well, but we ended up deciding that […]

What is Software Waste?

What is Software Waste

A large part of the success of the lean manufacturing movement was its call to eliminate waste. Deming introduced the concept that waste in manufacturing came from excessive inventory. Inventory […]

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