Sources: XP 2022

Agile from the Frontlines: Overcoming Inertia in the Federal Government
Agile Transformation initiatives need not originate at the senior management level. By examining the successes and failures along the journey of a mission-critical system for the United States Federal Government, this experience report discusses how the business and IT established a true partnership to effect organizational change from the grassroots level.
Uncover the unknown with Gemba Troika Consulting
Knowledge sharing in large groups of Scrum Masters is a challenge. Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak it was an issue in SimCorp, and the pandemic did not improve this situation at all.  All collaboration happened online, and the challenge for SimCorp’s 40 Scrum masters grew.
User Experience design: a true part of SAFe or a patch?
This experience was derived during our transformation to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) in Demant, started in January 2021 and ongoing. In this report we share our experiences and sum up what we did wrong and learned about building high-performing Design Teams under the SAFe umbrella.
The Art of Splitting an ART
When organisations use the Scaled Agile Framework® [Scaled Agile Framework] they may come to the point where their Agile (ART) Release Trains have grown too big. This report is about our journey of splitting an ART using ideas from Team Topologies and the principle of self-selection.
Using a chatbot to do DevOpsCust
How do you re-invent great customer experience in a 230-year-old compliance regulated conservative company -whose products are the least sexy you can buy, and whose customers identify your brand with an old man in tweed? This is a story about combining courage, girl power, experimenting with agile methodologies and conversational AI and how we succeeded in 2 mont
Professionalising the Scrum Master Role
The global pump manufacturer Grundfos is experimenting with implementing Agile techniques for the development of hardware and software components. This article describes how the authors guided and supported the professional development of the Scrum Masters role and competencies, with an emphasis on challenges encountered and lessons learned.
What we learned from descaling 25 Scrum teams
What happens when you descale? We learned that some additional roles and events are needed to address cross-team and cross-organizational alignment and prioritization, when our organization went from a ‘Spotify-inspired” setup to a descaled setup with 25 stand-alone autonomous Scrum teams.
The Unpredictable Bean Counters
This is an experience report sharing the findings and learnings of an agile coach trying to make small changes to a large organization, only to fail to change much of anything. While they journey and the struggle goes on to grow and evolve, there is still much to learn.
The art of ART redesign
Upon going from an ART as an organizational structure to an ART as a means for execution, I found out first-hand how something as simple as a first draft can mess up the entire perception of an otherwise well-intentioned redesign.
Agile product delivery in the pandemic’s remote work environment
The Covid pandemic with its unprecedented lockdowns and border closures has caused global business disruptions that most of us haven’t witnessed ever before. One of the biggest challenges for many of us Agile leaders has been adapting our human centric, collaborative ways of working to the remote working compulsions imposed by the pandemic.
Optimize your organizational structure for agility
Organizations typically focus on improved collaboration within teams, yet they do necklet the potential of improved inter-team collaboration. For an organization “being agile” instead of “doing agile”, it is crucial to apply organizational design thinking and systems modelling to optimize the whole organization for agility and provide the surrounding conditions for the teams’ collaboration.
Leadership and Agile: Are You ‘In Control’?
Leaders of organizations using lean-agile ways of working on the work floor need to adopt a new way of leading the organization. In this paper, I present a complete and reframed leadership system that allows leaders to gain a different form of being ‘in control’; a form that is compatible with a lean-agile way of working. I also describe experiences and lessons learned while implementing this leadership system.

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.