Sources: Agile2021

The 6 Enablers of Business Agility
Many organisations are built to survive and thrive in a 20th century business climate. A climate marked by relative stability and low levels of competition, where efficiently delivering known products and services for years was the recipe for success.
Test-Driven Development in Cobol
Mainframes, like Mark Twain, may well say, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." Mainframe systems have always been around, quietly processing 80% or more of financial transactions worldwide while people's attention was focused on colorful and innovative front-ends. Now mainframes are enjoying a resurgence.
Test Automation as a Team Responsibility
Perhaps you have tried automating tests in the past, but ended up with an intimidating number of UI tests that take hours to execute. Although you’ve been maintaining the tests for months, you’ve never once seen them all pass.
Technical Agile Coaching with the Samman Method
Samman is a method for people who want to make a difference and improve the way software is built. The focus is specifically on technical practices and how people write code, and it's the best way I know to help software developers to adopt practices like TDD and Refactoring.
Stop Assessing People!
Stop using data as a weapon against your own people!! We’ve all heard at conferences, at meetups, and in books how important it is to collect data and make data-driven decisions.
And That’s Agile, Jack!
Ever had two tacos at Jack in the Box? Ever wonder what goes in to every decision of how to source, price, prepare, and deliver that taco to you? There’s […]

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