Sources: Agile2021

Human Centered Agile Experience Report
Supercharge your Agile with Human-Centered Design We combined Human-Centered Design (HCD) with Agile for a “best of both worlds” approach that achieved striking results. Challenges were : 1. These professions […]
The Secret to Leading Change
Are you a leader embarking on deep cultural change? Do you feel like the harder you push the more your teams feel change is something to be feared and avoided; that it is the killer of projects and companies?
The process to solving anything
How would you like to crack the code of learning how to solve anything? Yes that's right, anything! Bold claim but this talk is using core solution focused coaching techniques and the art of co-creation,
Green Tests and Red Tests
A central benefit of doing test-first development is getting a suite of behavioral tests to regress code and support refactoring efforts. But when doing test-first development in practice, many developers […]
Change Agents and the Four Tendencies
Using concepts from Gretchen Rubin’s book The Four Tendencies, learn how knowing each agile team member’s individual tendency helps to enable change. How can you best encourage a teammate who […]

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