Sources: Agile2021

Big New Things
What’s new and exciting in Agile? As members of the Agile community from the beginning, James Shore and Arlo Belshee have seen it all—or have they? Join Arlo and James […]
Are Agile Organisations Really Inclusive?
Are agile organisations really inclusive? Surely, given the fundamental principle of “individuals and interactions over process and tools” and the fact that almost every agile approach embeds collaborative practices, the […]
Agile Alliance Initiatives
Join the Agile Alliance board of directors to learn more about how Agile Alliance fulfills its mission to support people and organizations who explore, apply and expand Agile values, principles […]
Leading Multi-Cultural Change
Leading global transformation engagements is always a challenge. The issues are not just a matter of international geography, time zones and language. Even when we can agree on a common […]

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