Sources: Agile2019

Escaping the Tragedy of WIP
It is quite easy to say that we are drowning in work, and most business leaders accept the fact that they’re trying to do too many things, too quickly, and […]
Empathy: A Keystone Leadership Habit
“How information is communicated to employees during a change matters more than what information is communicated. A lack of audience empathy when conveying news about an organizational transformation can cause […]
Evil by Design
Being a “maker” comes with an ethos. Making things and simply being creative for the sake of creativity can be a bad thing, if we’re not willing to be responsible […]
Small Scale Scrum
This presentation was based on the written report authored by Leigh Griffith and Agnieszka Gancarczyk, Small Scale Scrum. Agnieszka spent a year researching Small Scale Scrum for her final thesis and […]
Undercover Scrum Master
After three years as a Scrum Master and Agile coach, I hit a wall coaching a team that did not want to try popular Agile engineering techniques such as TDD […]

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