Of course your estimate is wrong! It’s an estimate, not a calculation. That doesn’t mean you should skip it. In fact, its wrongness is one of the most valuable things about it. In this workshop you’ll explore situational awareness—one of the benefits from estimates that turn out to be incorrect. You’ll learn to leverage that learning for the rest of the project, making choices that improve your outcomes. As you look around, you’ll not only work to avoid threats to your project, but also become more aware of unexpected opportunities. And you’ll learn what estimates are most useful for learning. (Hint, it’s not the estimates that most teams produce, or that most managers request.)
This event explored how AI tools are transforming the productivity and skill sets of Agile professionals, including Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Designers, Tech Leads, and Developers. Attendees discovered the powerful ways AI is revolutionizing wor…