Agile Event Session

Turn Up the Good

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Many things can hamper the effectiveness of our teams: Too many meetings, technical debt, bugs, multi-tasking, and so on. When we see these problems our first reaction is often to say “We need to fix this stuff”. We want things to be better, but just as often our fix introduces it’s own problem and it’s not unusual to see todays “solution” become tomorrows problem. Wouldn’t it be nice if these problems would simply “fade away”? While I can’t promise you that, there is at least one alternative approach which I call “Turn Up The Good”. This concept is expressed nicely by Kent Beck in the first edition of the book “Extreme Programming Explained”: *“When I first articulated XP, I had the mental image of knobs on a control board. Each knob was a practice that from experience I knew worked well. I would turn all the knobs up to 10 and see what happened. ” – Kent Beck* The basic idea: Pay Attention to what is working nicely and experiment with ways to make it even better, or “Turn It Up”. I’ve noticed several benefits to this approach, and a big one is that as we “turn up the good” on things that are going well, many of the common problems fade away. We’ll take a look at examples of how this has worked out in practice, and see how this can be applied in our daily work.

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Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.


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