Agile Event Session

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once: Leading an Agile Organization 

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No matter what the future brings.

These 6 words are the heart of business agility – but they are also an invitation. Does your organization have the freedom, flexibility, and resilience to achieve its purpose – no matter what the future brings?

The prospect of business agility can be daunting. Your product development organization has made great progress in Agile, but recently is seeing diminishing returns from their investment. And now the CEO says she’s read about business agility in HBR, the COO wants a new operating model to increase efficiency, HR is asking about the impact to the performance management system, and the finance folks don’t see how it applies to them despite taking 9-months to approve a budget change.

Moving from Agile towards business agility can feel a little like Everything. Everywhere. All at Once.

And to complicate matters; it is a continuum. The question is not whether you have it, but how much do you have? And is it enough?
Join us for an interactive workshop where we will explore the incremental steps that lead your organization to greater business agility through behavioral change — enabling you to achieve your purpose, no matter what the future brings.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the scope of business agility (from the definition, principles, domains, and capabilities) – it’s not just agile outside IT
  • Understand the connection between systems thinking and business agility – look at the bigger picture, dammit
  • Find the constraint in your organization on the journey from agile to agile business to business agility
  • Describe and apply a model of business agility that connects individual behaviors and organizational capabilities
  • Outline the incremental steps to lead your organization towards greater business agility

Additional Resources

Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.


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