Learn how one startup moved from chaos to scrum and beyond by implementing Enterprise Service Planning (ESP) and the seven cadences and visualizing it on an evolving fifty foot wall of work, resulting in an increase in our product velocity while decreasing our time to customer value across multiple products and delivery teams.
Over the past eight years, Optimizely grew from a single product company built by a handful of engineers and designers to a multi-product company built by many teams of engineers and designers. But its development processes didn’t adapt fast enough to keep up with Optimizely’s growth. Engineers had too many dependencies in flight, designers were added too late in the process to be effective, and the highest value work wasn’t properly prioritized. In the last couple of years, we have improved that drastically.
0 – 3 Welcome and introduction to presenter, company, and situation
4 – 7 How we arrived in such a state (2010-2013) and what we did (2014 – 2016)
8 – 13 Implementing ESP and the Wall of Work (2017-2018)
14 – 18 Where we are doing today (2019)
19 – 23 Insights about the seven cadences and visible portfolio management
24 – 27 Key Learnings and Challenges
28 – 30 Questions & Thank you