Agile Event Session

Boundaries Aren’t a Bad Thing! 6 Techniques for Collaborating Across Boundaries

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You might have noticed both at work and in the wider world that when times are tough, our natural tendency is to focus on what divides us. Boundary lines are drawn, splitting groups and creating an us vs. them mentality.

With the right techniques, boundaries can also be places of new possibilities. During this talk, you’ll explore common organizational boundaries and learn 6 techniques to bridge divides across each. Boundary spanning is the key to increasing organizational agility, incorporating global mindsets, and improving collaboration.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the 5 most common organizational boundaries
  • Articulate the impact boundary spanning techniques bring to collaboration
  • Apply 6 boundary spanning techniques to bring diverse groups of people together to solve organizational problems

Additional Resources

Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.


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