Agile Event Session

Acceptance Criteria for Data-Focused User Stories

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Learn how to write acceptance criteria for DW/BI user stories that align your team to deliver valuable results to your project stakeholders.

Writing user stories for business intelligence projects already feels to many product owners like pushing a large rock up a big hill … and needing to add solid acceptance criteria to each story feels a bit like the big hill had a false summit: Once you get to the top (user story written) you discover there’s a small flat spot and then the hill continues up further, requiring additional detail in the form of acceptance criteria. As one BI PO recently put it, “I write the user story and feel like I’ve made excellent progress; then the team is all over me with ‘That’s great, but what’s the acceptance criteria?’, forcing me to yet again go deep. If I had a better understanding of “sufficient” acceptance criteria, I would have shared it with my team and stopped the beatings!”

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