Principles of Lean|Agile Leadership
“It is not enough that management commit themselves to quality and productivity, they must know what it is they must do.” — E. Deming Scrum, XP and Agile are well […]
Enterprise Agile? Are You Ready?
An agile enterprise increases value through effective execution and delivery in a timely and reactive manner. Such organizations do this by streamlining the flow of information, ideas, decision making, and […]
Three Things You MUST Know to Transform Any Sized Organization into an Agile Enterprise
The deeper we go down the path of scaled agile transformation, the more we are learning that adding additional process and additional complexity can only ever get us part of […]
Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
## Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) [LeSS]( is a lightweight (agile) framework for scaling Scrum to more than one team. It was extracted out of the experiences of Bas Vodde and Craig […]
Not Doing SAFe? No problem. Not doing these? Big Problem

SAFe has attracted a lot of attention. While its detractors claim it is mostly good marketing, it is actually because SAFe addresses many key issues in Agile at scale that […]
Agile Capitalization: Invest in the Future
In many companies, agile software development is misunderstood and misreported, increasing taxes, volatility in profit and loss (P&L) and costly manual time-tracking. Agile and Scrum teams inherently create production cost […]
Nine Immutable Principles of Lean-Agile Development at Enterprise Scale
Software is consuming the world. Industries of all types are faced with growing competitive pressures that can be addressed only through more innovative and productive IT operations, software-based systems, products, […]
Is there a best practice for an agile transformation? – No! – So what Now?
Companies and organizations are complex, adaptive systems. In this talk you will learn what this actually means and how you can use this to practically deal with your way through […]
Entangled: Solving the Hairy Problem of Team Dependencies
When portfolio and program managers undertake quarterly (or annual) feature and portfolio planning, understanding team dependencies is made necessary to identify constraints and avoid overburdening one team. Complexity quickly grows […]