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Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams

Ready, set, liftoff! Align your team to one purpose: successful delivery. Learn new insights and techniques for starting projects and teams the right way, with expanded concepts for planning, organizing, and conducting liftoff meetings. Real-life stories illustrate how others have effectively started (or restarted) their teams and projects. Master coaches Diana Larsen and Ainsley Nies have successfully “lifted off” numerous agile projects worldwide. Are you ready for success?

Every team needs a great start. If you’re a business or product leader, team coach or agile practice lead, project or program manager, you’ll gain strategic and tactical benefits from liftoffs.

Discover new step-by-step instructions and techniques for boosting team performance in this second edition of Liftoff. Concrete examples from our practices show you how to get everyone on the same page from the start as you form the team. You’ll find pointers for refocusing an effort that’s gone off in the weeds, and practices for working with teams as complex systems. See how to scale liftoffs for multiple teams across the enterprise, address the three key elements for collaborative team chartering, establish the optimal conditions for learning and improvement, and apply the GEFN (Good Enough for Now) rule for efficient liftoffs. Throughout the book are stories from real-life teams lifting off, as seasoned coaches describe their experiences with liftoffs and agile team chartering.

Focused conversations help the team align, form, and build enough trust for collaborating. You’ll build a common understanding of the teams’ context within business goals. Every liftoff is unique, but success is common!

About the Author(s)
Diana Larsen

A visionary pragmatist and co-founder of the Agile Fluency Project, Diana Larsen co-authored, “The Agile Fluency Model: A Brief Guide to Success with Agile.” She is the author of “Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great”, “Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams”, and “Five Rules for Accelerated Learning”. For more than 20 years she has worked with leaders to design work systems, improve project performance, and support leadership and enterprise agility. An active speaker and contributor to her professional community, Diana has contributed in leadership roles to the Agile Alliance, the Organization Design Forum, and the Agile Open Initiative.

Ainsley Nies

No bio currently available.

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