Recursos ágiles

Librería Ágil

Desarrollo de Software Ágil en 10Pines

El libro habla sobre agilidad en el contexto del desarrollo de software. Más precisamente, como la vemos e implementamos en 10Pines. Está escrito en orden secuencial, empezando por el Product Discovery, siguiendo con el planeamiento para terminar con el desarrollo. Para cada una de estas fases, detallo conceptos, herramientas y prácticas que usamos frecuentemente, indagando sobre sus fundamentos y estableciendo ventajas y desventajas. Comparto opiniones fuertes: El objetivo es pensar y debatir.

Sobre el autor(s)
Federico Zuppa

Since I got a degree in Computer Science in 2000, I have been developing software for various companies, such as Electronics Arts, EDS, Sprint & Orbitz. I learned about Agile in 2006 and immediately fell in love with it. In 2008, I participated in the organization of the 1st Latin American Agile Conference, held in Buenos Aires. Since then, I have been an active member of the Agile community, not only attending conferences as a speaker or assistant but also organizing courses given by recognized agilists, such as Alistair Cockburn, Jurgen Appelo, and David Hussman. In 2010, I joined 10Pines, a company truly inspired by the Agile values of collaboration, self-organization, and technical excellence, and I recently became a partner.

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