Membership Matters

Growing a Global Community for Learning and Impact

“Ahas” are beautiful moments because of the learning within them. The pandemic exposed the elephant in the room here at Agile Alliance. We discovered that many of our own members were not informed as to how we have uniquely supported them, and some people even called us by the wrong name.


While that hurt a little, more than anything, it woke us up. We realized that we needed to be clearer about who we are and what we actually do

We are so much more!

To many, Agile Alliance appears to simply be the big annual Agile20xx event. As that’s what we’ve predominately promoted in the past, that’s how many saw us. They only associated us with selling a conference.

The truth, however, is that we are a nonprofit focused on doing so much more. We sponsor over 100 meetups worldwide. We sponsor conferences big and small. We sponsor important community initiatives. We have a huge repository of resources and blog posts for online learning.

We are one of the prime places to go to learn about things in the Agile community, both directly and indirectly.

Because so few know that, however, we are often in essence silent sponsors. While our impact is seen, our connection to that impact is often hidden. Most Agilists we help are unaware of being part of something bigger. They have no idea that it’s Agile Alliance that is making their event, group, or training possible.

So we are working to change that … together.

The who in we

The “we” in all of this, by the way, is the body of Agile Alliance members. The “we,” in other words, is YOU!

It’s your support that helps us do this.

Together we are sponsoring events and groups. Together we are sharing our journey to a worldwide community. Together we are supporting people and organizations who explore, apply, and expand Agile values, principles, and practices.

New learning opportunities

We have launched gatherings to support members with more immediate needs with a cadence of monthly events. All of these events exist from listening to the needs that members shared.

The monthly events are built around networking, Agile advice, technical conversations, games, and more.

More to come

Also in the works are larger quarterly events dealing with the needs and issues we are hearing about from the Agile community. So watch for spaces to join on finding work, a space to share what you’ve been working on, and even spaces for those who might need a little shameless self-promotion.

Other offerings will include professional development opportunities to speak, facilitate, lead, and even mentor.

If you are a member and are interested in volunteering as a presenter, speaker, facilitator, graphic recorder, marketer, or something else, let us know here.

And remember to think “we members” when you see Agile Alliance. Then embrace that feeling.


April Jefferson “Soul Craftswoman”
Global Member Engagement Ambassador

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Picture of April Jefferson

April Jefferson

April leads with empathy and courage while partnering with others to help unlock their full potential. Believes the path to authentic growth and change begins with invitation and a people centered approach. She favors a blended mindset of agile, lean, design thinking, open space and improvisation when engaging. April values connecting people to ownership of their needs and goals. You may find April coaching organizations, speaking at conferences, facilitating social change as a Design Action…

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IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

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