Join us as a volunteer host for virtual events in 2025

Woman hosting an online zoom session

Agile Alliance is seeking dedicated lead volunteers and backup hosts for our 2025 monthly online programs, offering an opportunity to connect, engage, and inspire.

This is a unique, year-long volunteer opportunity for active members to enhance their skills, gain visibility, and contribute to the success of Agile Alliance’s virtual events. Read on for all the details, including how to apply by Friday, November 29th!

We’re seeking lead volunteers and a backup person to host one of our monthly online programs in 2025. 

Event Details

  • Agile Tech Talks
    • Occur every 2nd Wednesday of every other month
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Time
  • Agile Online
    •  Occur every 2nd Wednesday of every other month
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Time
  • BYOC
    • Occurs every other month on the fourth Wednesday
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Time
  • Audience Size: Varies from 20 to 200 participants, depending on the topic

Host Responsibilities

  • Provide a welcoming atmosphere for attendees entering the Zoom room
  • Deliver an official welcome on behalf of Agile Alliance and any necessary announcements
  • Introduce the speaker or activity
  • Use branded background images that promote any related sponsors (materials will be supplied)
  • Effectively manage and control the presentation time
  • Zoom Proficiency:
    • Play and manage background music
    • Create and manage breakout rooms as needed
    • Facilitate incoming questions in the chat
  • Engage the audience by asking Agile-related questions to the speaker

Why Volunteer as a Host

  • Enhance your visibility in the Agile community
  • Develop your hosting and facilitation skills
  • Contribute to the success of Agile Alliance events
  • Note: This is a non-paid volunteer opportunity

How to Apply

  1. Record a short video introduction of yourself using Zoom (no longer than 2 mins)
    • Share why you want to participate in this community
    • Explain how you will make a positive impact on Agile Alliance virtual event deliveries
  2. Submit the video link to us via email to [email protected] 


  • You must be an active, paid member of Agile Alliance
  • This is a year-long commitment, a total of 6 different 1.5-hour events, for one of the virtual deliveries listed above (Agile Tech Talks, Agile Online, or BYOC).
  • Comfortable and proficient with Zoom features
  • This is a non-paid volunteer position

Application Deadline

Please submit your video by Friday, November 29th.

We look forward to your application and appreciate your willingness to support the Agile community!

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Picture of Tonya Farmer

Tonya Farmer

Tonya Farmer is an accomplished association executive with a proven successful track record in membership development and event management for a wide variety of professional associations. With more than 20 years of experience in the non-profit sector, she has coined herself to be a “human friction catalyst,” creating face-to-face opportunities that inspire learning, growth, and creativity. Tonya is a proud Texas Women’s University graduate and acquired her credentials as a Certified Meetings Professional in 2009.…

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