Increase Your Agile Knowledge with Customized, Hand-Picked Information from Our Resident Content Curator

Agile Alliance curated content

At Agile Alliance, we pride ourselves on the wealth of high-quality, in-depth Agile-related resources we offer you.

But we also realize that sometimes too much of a good thing can be overwhelming.

In order to help combat that issue, we’re proud to begin offering curated monthly emails on subjects of interest to you.

We’ve identified these six categories that we’ll use to guide our curation efforts:

  • Coaching: Resources of interest to Scrum Masters and Agile coaches
  • Product Ownership: Resources for product owners, product managers, business analysts, and all other product people
  • Technical: Content of interest to developers, testers, and DevOps specialists.
  • Leadership: Resources for anyone in a leadership position
  • Culture and Collaboration: Content that is relevant to anyone interested in the culture or collaborative aspects of Agile
  • Organization: Resources of interest to anyone interested in the relationship between the organization and Agility

Sign up for one category, a couple, or all six!

Once a month, you’ll receive an email for each topic with three resources on a specific subject. One resource is available to everyone, one resource is available to Agile Alliance subscribers and members, and one resource is available only to Agile Alliance members.

You don’t have to be an Agile Alliance subscriber or member to sign up for these emails, but you’ll get the most value out of these emails if you are an Agile Alliance Member. For more information about Agile Alliance membership visit our membership options page or join Agile Alliance now.

These emails will help you wade through all of the great content on our website and find those gems that offer helpful ideas or insightful experiences.

Sign up for curated emails today

As content curator for Agile Alliance, I’m identifying subjects that I think you may be interested in and selecting glossary terms, experience reports, event sessions, videos, and blog posts from our extensive content library.

I can make some educated guesses about what you’re interested in, but it’d be better to hear it directly from you. If you have some suggestions for possible subjects for the curated emails, let me know!

We hope you found this post informative

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Picture of Kent McDonald

Kent McDonald

Kent J McDonald writes about and practices software product management. He has IT and product development experience in a variety of industries including financial services, health insurance, nonprofit, and automotive. Kent currently practices his craft for a variety of organizations and provides just in time resources for product owners and business analysts at and Product Collective. When not writing or product managing, Kent is his family’s #ubersherpa, listens to jazz and podcasts (but not…

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IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

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