Past Events

deliver:Agile 2018

April 30 – May 2 | Austin, Texas

deliver:Agile 2018 Keynotes Sessions

deliver:Agile 2018 Organizers

Jim Newkirk

Conference Chair

Nancy Van Schooenderwoert
Program Chair

Richard Seroter
Program Chair

Diana Larsen
Program Chair

Michael Feathers
Program Chair

Paul Hammond
Board Member Liaison

Linda Cook
Board Member Liaison

deliver:Agile 2018 Session Videos

Communicating With Code: Tests That Don’t Suck
When we write tests around code, not only are we verifying that the underlying behaviors adhere to expected specifications, we are telling the next programmer about how our program works. In this talk we will examine the act and practice of writin…
Developers Should Abandon Agile
In an interview format, Ron and Chet discuss their current views regarding Agile Software Development, the opportunities and threats of certification and scaling, and how software professionals can best operate within current “Agile” organizations an…
Applying Agile to Big Data and Machine Learning
It might seem like a Big Data or Machine Learning project wouldn't lend itself to an agile software development approach. The "Big" in Big Data implies lots of infrastructure and up front work in order to get things moving before a single piece of us…
Underestimated Costs of Microservice Architectures
With many business success stories, our beautiful software systems can degrade into monolithic Big Balls of Mud. To fix these kinds of monstrosities, we as developers and architects have begun to reach for microservices as our solution. Beautifull…
Noisy Code: The SNR Conjecture
We will focus solely on how clearly and starkly code presents its intention: its Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). We will explore this one aspect as a potential replacement for other measures and heuristics of code quality. When the meaning and mecha…
UX in an Agile World
Many UX designers struggle to work within a Scrum environment and see Scrum as a framework mainly for developers. Working in time-boxed Sprints and delivering small pieces iteratively and incrementally might force designers to focus on a single story…
Mastering Legacy Code: Preventing Bugs in Code You Can’t Test
I can't test this code because the design is awful. I can't refactor because I don't have tests. Yet it keeps having (and breeding) bugs. Now what? --- Everyone, everywhere Arlo has talked in the past about how this apparent catch-22 is resolved by …

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