Agile Alliance

Covid Health & Safety Policy

Effective November 1, 2021; Amended December 1, 2022; Updated March 13, 2023

Health and Safety Policies for In-person Events

Since 2001, Agile Alliance has been informing and inspiring people and organizations as they explore, apply, and expand the values, principles, and practices outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Our ambition is to create spaces for people and organizations seeking to humanly, effectively, and sustainably discover and deliver outcomes that matter.

Agile Alliance’s priority for all meetings and events is the safety and welfare of our members, attendees, exhibitors, partners, and team. Effective March 15, 2023, all Agile Alliance events in the United States will follow the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and/or those issued by state and local authorities. Those events held outside of the United States will follow guidelines established by the appropriate governing body.

Masking is strongly encouraged, but not required. Agile Alliance encourages all attendees to respect each individual’s choice regarding mask preference.

Agile Alliance’s Covid-19 policy is designed to create an exceptional, safe experience for attendees and participants at our conferences and events. We will continue to monitor the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as local, state, and federal regulations, and will revise our policies as appropriate should conditions change. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We are all in this together.

If you have Covid Symptoms

If you have any Covid-19 symptoms within the 7 days prior to the beginning of the conference or event, please DO NOT ATTEND. We will give you a full refund (regardless of our standard fee policies) with proof of a positive COVID-19 test. If you start feeling sick during the conference or event, we ask that you see the on-site nurse, which is provided at the conference at no charge to attendees, and quarantine in your room.

Discover the many benefits of membership

Your membership enables Agile Alliance to offer a wealth of first-rate resources, present renowned international events, support global community groups, and more — all geared toward helping Agile practitioners reach their full potential and deliver innovative, Agile solutions.

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.