Agile Taiwan

Nangang District, Taipei

About this Group

我們希望建立一個平台來連結台灣的敏捷與敏捷發源地 – 美國
我們希望經由敏捷可以讓我們更快樂, 提供一個更創新,更注重客戶,更了解價值的工作環境
我們舉辦敏捷 (Agile) 和教練 (Coaching) 線上視訊引導討論講座敏捷開講活動/ ,經由拜讀大師的文章與其他資訊,群組的討論和分享,來激發更多的想法與激情

Welcome to Agile Taiwan
We are a group of agile professional from different fields and background in Taiwan.
We build a platform that promotes agile so that we can bring innovation, customer focus, and value to our work.
We practice, help each other, and share what we learned.
We have two weekly online cohorts that focused on agile and coaching.
Please join our discussion, it’s fun and professional.


Nangang District, Taipei

Discover the many benefits of membership

Your membership enables Agile Alliance to offer a wealth of first-rate resources, present renowned international events, support global community groups, and more — all geared toward helping Agile practitioners reach their full potential and deliver innovative, Agile solutions.

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.