Announcing the Agile Sustainability Initiative

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The Agile Sustainability Initiative is an effort to create awareness about sustainability within the Agile community and explore how Agile can contribute to a more sustainable future. The initiative aims to achieve this through various activities, including providing the following:

  • knowledge
  • inspiration
  • tools
  • alliances
  • case studies
  • experience reports
  • skills network
  • guidance

Our goal is to help Agile Alliance members leverage their influence to “leave the place better than how we found it.”

A little context

The challenges facing the planet are existential, and it is essential for all communities, including the Agile community, to get involved in addressing them.

  • As a species, we are currently consuming 1.8 Earths (reference)
  • Just the internet creates 900 million tons of Co2/year. (reference)
  • In 2019, 53.6 million metric tonnes of electronic waste was generated worldwide (that’s plus 21% in 5 years.) This is the equivalent of almost 5,400 Eiffel towers. (reference)
  • We’ve converted 75% of the land that is not covered by ice. (reference)

Facts like those above are, unfortunately, endless. Yet, there is hope.

All these challenges (and many more) are addressed by the United Nations’ seventeen sustainable development goals. We must translate these ideas into actionable steps and make them tangible for everything and everyone we’re involved with, including our teams, products, and organizations.

The Agile community is filled with practitioners who have experience doing exactly that: tackling complex and wicked problems. The Agile sustainability initiative aims to leverage this experience to create a more sustainable future.

We are here to provide knowledge and inspiration to empower the broader Agile community to take ACTION on sustainability.

What’s next

The Agile Sustainability Initiative is an opportunity for the Agile community to come together and make a difference. By sharing knowledge and experience, the initiative hopes to create a sustainable future that benefits everyone.

This is an invitation to sign up and get involved in creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. In the near future, we will be sharing with you the facts, challenges, and calls to action that you need to pay attention to in order to make a difference.

Every act matters, and everyone has something to contribute to creating a nature-positive and regenerative society.

So, roll up your sleeves, and join the tribe!

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