Agile’s true potential: A call for unity and collaboration

Simply Agile – Agilists Unite – photo of We are the World recording session

The following post is from Agile2024 Title Sponsor Simply Agile. See our partnership opportunities here.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb

In 1985, a remarkable event took place that showcased the transformative power of unity and collaboration.

A group of 45 renowned musicians, led by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, came together to record “We Are the World.”

They were a diverse group, representing Pop, Rock, R&B/Soul, Country, Jazz, and Gospel. This mix of genres showcased the project’s collaborative spirit and helped amplify its impact across different musical audiences.

This song wasn’t just a melody—it was a movement, a symbol of global solidarity to address Africa’s famine crisis. The impact of “We Are the World” was profound, raising millions of dollars and drawing attention to a pressing humanitarian crisis.

The Agile Manifesto for software development

In 2001, another remarkable event took place that showcased the transformative power of unity and collaboration. A group of 17 software developers came together in the snowy mountains of Utah with a common vision of finding a better way to build software.

They were a diverse group, some championing Extreme Programming, others Scrum, DSDM, ASD, OOAD, and others, and this mix helped to amplify its impact across different development methods.

Over two days, fueled by conversation and collaboration, the Agile Manifesto was born. It was a shared vision for a more collaborative, adaptable, and ultimately, successful approach to software development that outlined 12 principles, and these four core values:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

The Agile Manifesto wasn’t just a declaration, it ignited a global movement that transcended software development, influencing industries from marketing and education, to healthcare and manufacturing.

The impact of the Agile Manifesto has been profound, transforming industries, improving business outcomes, and contributing significantly to the global economy. It draws attention to the importance of creating more human-centric workplaces fostering a culture of collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

Facing challenges

Despite its widespread adoption, Agile has been facing significant challenges, leading to the perception that “Agile is dead.”

Do you agree that this perception often reflects poor implementation, rather than flaws in Agile itself?

Do you believe by addressing misunderstandings and emphasizing Agile values, we can overcome these challenges so that organizations can fully realize Agile’s benefits?

I do, and I believe Agile is very much alive and capable of driving positive change when embraced in its true spirit!

A fragmented and fractured community

Implementation is not the only challenge we face. Today, the Agile community is a mosaic of various methodologies, frameworks, and practices, each offering unique perspectives and tools.

While diversity is a strength, it also leads to fragmentation.

Communities often operate in silos, focused on their specific approach and sometimes losing sight of the broader Agile values: individuals and interactions, working software (products), customer collaboration, and responding to change.

This fragmentation dilutes the collective potential of Agile. Practitioners and organizations may become overly focused on the mechanics and rituals of their chosen framework, missing the opportunity for synergy and reducing the impact on the organizations and communities we aim to serve.

Embracing values over practice

The core message of Agile is about the values and principles that guide us, not the practice themselves.

Just as “We Are the World” united diverse musical styles to deliver a powerful message, the Agile community can harness its diversity to reinforce and amplify its core values.

Imagine if Agile communities worldwide focused less on debating methodologies and more on fostering collaboration, delivering value, and responding to change. By prioritizing values over practices, we can create a more cohesive and impactful movement.

This shift requires breaking down silos, encouraging cross-community dialogue, and fostering an environment where learning and growth are paramount.

Building a community of communities

A united Agile community—a community of communities—has the potential to be a catalyst for significant change. Here’s how:

  1. Enhanced collaboration and innovation: Diverse perspectives and experiences fuel innovation, leading to more robust and adaptable solutions to complex problems.
  2. Amplified impact: A united Agile community can amplify our collective impact, driving greater organizational transformation, improving project outcomes, and contributing to societal betterment.
  3. Shared learning and growth: Continuous learning and growth accelerate the maturity of the Agile community as a whole.
  4. Stronger advocacy for Agile values: A united community can promote Agile values, influencing organizations and broader societal norms.

The path forward

To achieve this vision, we need to foster a culture of openness, respect, and mutual support.

Here are a few steps we can take:

  • Facilitate cross-community dialogues: Create forums where different Agile communities can share their experiences, challenges, and successes.
  • Focus on values-based education: Develop programs emphasizing Agile values and principles over specific tools and methodologies.
  • Celebrate diversity: Recognize and celebrate the diverse approaches within the Agile community, understanding that diversity drives innovation.
  • Build bridges: Encourage collaboration between different communities through joint initiatives, projects, and events.

Just as “We Are the World” demonstrated the power of unity and collaboration, the Agile community can drive significant change by coming together.

By embracing our shared values and fostering a community of communities, we can create a more agile, innovative, and impactful world. Let’s unite in our purpose and transform the future.

Agile is NOT dead!

We are just getting started. Be proud of who we are and what we stand for. Together, we are more than Agile, we are a force for change!

Let’s keep the momentum of the Agile2024 conference going and unite Agilists around our common values! Join us by downloading the Simply Agile mobile app:

Together, let’s continue to foster a culture of collaboration, learning, and innovation.

We hope you found this post informative

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Picture of Carol McEwan

Carol McEwan

Carol (Community Carol) McEwan is a seasoned community builder and an influential figure in the Agile space. With a deep passion for fostering innovation and creating vibrant communities, Carol has dedicated her career to connecting individuals and organizations. She has been instrumental in developing platforms that promote mutual learning and positive change, both in professional and personal spheres. Through her leadership roles and extensive experience, Carol continues to inspire and empower people to embrace the…

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We’re excited to share some exciting news with our valued members and the Agile community. The Agile Alliance has signed an agreement to enter a strategic partnership with Project Management Institute (PMI), and today marks the beginning of this new and exciting journey.

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