Agile Conference


July 22 – 26, 2024 | Dallas, Texas

Agile2024 Program Information

The Agile2024 Call for Submissions is now closed. Thank you to everyone who made a submission this year! Speaker and program announcements will be coming soon!

  • Week of March 10 – Acceptance/Waitlisted/Rejection notifications will be sent out
  • March 22 – Speakers Acceptance Deadline
  • April 8 – Final Program Announced (and published on the website)

The world’s premier Agile conference

The Agile20XX Conference needs to be seen to be believed – it’s an amazing conference where people from all over the world come together to discuss the latest in all things Agile. This is your chance to become a part of the experience by submitting a talk or workshop for Agile2024. Read on to find out more about Agile2024 and discover why it is an event not to be missed!

We are here for the community!

Agile Alliance was founded by and thrives by virtue of its community. The Agile20XX annual conference has been the primary mechanism for bringing that community together year after year to expand and promote Agile values and principles, regardless of which Agile framework you follow (or you don’t follow a framework at all).

Protecting the health and well-being of our community is of paramount importance to Agile Alliance. With COVID-19 being an ongoing concern, we are taking every practical step to make the conference safe for all participants–attendees, speakers, and staff will be required to follow health protocols so that we can enjoy being together safely.

Agile2024 Presentation Types

75-Minute Talks & Workshops

Engaging, dynamic, and thought-provoking sessions leave you with tips and tricks to try, questions to explore, and ideas to challenge. These will be 75-minute sessions in both talk and workshop formats.

3-Hour Deep Dive Workshops

These workshops are designed to allow you to explore and experience a topic in greater depth. They are activity-based sessions where attendees learn together through a series of facilitated exercises guided by the presenter(s).

What else?

There will be a multitude of activities to complement the sessions, from Extreme Open Space, Lean Coffee, Keynotes, Agile Advice, Lightning Talks, multiple networking opportunities, and lots more. We are so excited to have the chance to meet and interact with everyone at the event. So bring your thoughts, openness, and energy.

Lightning Talks

Wanting to share your thoughts in a shorter fast-paced session? Have some ideas you want to try out and get some feedback on?

It’s time to propose a Lightning Talk

The purpose of the Lightning Talk Track is to provide a lightweight, flexible opportunity for speakers to share valuable information with participants. Presentations are short with one of the following formats:

  • 3-minute Lightning Talk (no slides)
  • 5-minute Lightning Talk (slides)
  • 7-minute Pecha Kucha style presentation

The Lightning Talks will follow these themes: Energizing People and Teams, Enriching Organizations, Accelerating Products, Technology for all, Career Stories, and Other. These sessions provide an opportunity for rapid and diverse learning on a variety of topics.

Extreme Open Space

Passionate about helping improve your organization? Learning to see yourself as a leader so you can help others?

Wednesday’s Extreme Open Space is the place to be!

Open Space is an amazing framework that gives everyone (including you) the opportunity to create a new menu of conference sessions to:

  • fill in gaps from other sessions and integrate learnings from the week,
  • dig deeper into topics you are interested in with others who have similar interests,
  • explore a topic that was not on the program,
  • meet and connect with attendees who you would not have otherwise met.

Whether you are new to open space or have experienced a great one, join us! We will explain the structure so that you (and everyone else) can create and learn from amazing sessions and content!

The Audacious Salon

Want to dive into some topics in more depth, practicing your skills of self-reflection, persuasion, and critical thinking in a safe place?

The Audacious Salon track at Agile2024 is exactly what you might imagine such an audacious name to be: An invitation to participate in dialogue and discussion of the most adventurous, bold, and daring topics one might find at the conference. The Salon uses a structure of facilitation and conversation to aim for intriguing themes that challenge our closely held norms, beliefs, and assumptions and asks us to examine them more closely. Stay tuned here for this year’s themes.

The Agile Alliance Lounge

Interested in meeting the Agile Alliance Board? Want to hear more about how you can get involved with community initiatives?

The Agile Alliance Lounge is the place to find out the answers to these questions and so many more. Learn from the people in Agile Alliance who are creating coaching ethics, translating the Agile manifesto, supporting meet-ups and coach camps, and have great future plans to do more. There will also be fun games and activities! This is a place where everyone is welcome.

Discover the many benefits of membership

Your membership enables Agile Alliance to offer a wealth of first-rate resources, present renowned international events, support global community groups, and more — all geared toward helping Agile practitioners reach their full potential and deliver innovative, Agile solutions.

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.