Past Events


July 19 – 22, 2021 | Online Event

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Agile2021 Keynotes Sessions

Taking the Numb Out of Numbers
Data journalist Mona Chalabi is on a mission to “take the numb out of numbers.” In her illustrations, animations, and articles for The Guardian and publications like FiveThirtyEight and The New York Times, she explores data sets from the timely (affi…
Sustainable Disruption, Where We Go From Here
Three disruptive leaders share global insights on the impact and future of agile. Comparing the challenges of the late 1990s that resulted in the Agile Manifesto with those of today can point to what we should work on now. Social responsibility, clim…

Agile2021 Keynotes Sessions

Alistair Cockburn

Alistair Cockburn

Gabrielle Benefield Agile2021 Keynote

Gabrielle Benefield

Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein

Agile2021 Program Team

Brandon Carlson

Conference Chair

Dana Pylayeva

Program Chair

Kevin Stevens Agile

Program Chair

Jen Krieger Agile Alliance

Program Chair

Agile2021 Session Videos

Are Agile Organisations Really Inclusive?
Are agile organisations really inclusive? Surely, given the fundamental principle of “individuals and interactions over process and tools” and the fact that almost every agile approach embeds collaborative practices, the answer should be yes. And yet…
Agile Alliance Initiatives
Join the Agile Alliance board of directors to learn more about how Agile Alliance fulfills its mission to support people and organizations who explore, apply and expand Agile values, principles and practices. We’ll also highlight the work done by the…
Leading Multi-Cultural Change
Leading global transformation engagements is always a challenge. The issues are not just a matter of international geography, time zones and language. Even when we can agree on a common language for the engagement, we find that native and non-native …
Inclusion: The Chemical X for Design Thinking
In this talk, I will tell why I consider that inclusion of diversity is a chemical X that has unexpected benefits in different areas such as design teams, design thinking processes for the creation of products or services, and even in organizations. …

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