Agile2021 Submission Iteration 1 Complete – What’s Next?

Agile2021 Conference

We did it! The first iteration of content selection for Agile2021 is complete. We received hundreds of great submissions already and are looking forward to more when iteration two starts on March 1st, 2021.

Our track team has gone through the submissions and have selected a handful to be included in the program. For the first iteration, we focused on what we perceived to be the best 5-10% of submissions, ones we didn’t need to think twice on. We thought we’d take some time to let you know what that means to you as a submitter.

We know what you’re thinking and we have the answers.

“Did my submission get accepted?”

If you have received an email from the event team, that means your submission was accepted. It’s important for you to complete the three actions listed in your email in a timely manner so that we can ensure proper marketing and promotion of your session.

“Nuts, I didn’t get an email. What next?”

If you haven’t received an email from the event team, your submission was not accepted this iteration. Don’t fret, your submission is still under consideration for iteration two, which ends at the end of March.

Take this opportunity to consider the feedback you received and possibly revise your submission for consideration next round. You can ask for more feedback if you like, but asking “Why wasn’t my proposal accepted?” probably won’t get much of an answer. “How do I make my proposal better?” is closer to the mark.

“But I haven’t submitted anything yet! Is it too late?”

Not even close. You can submit right up until the last day of submissions, April 15th. With that being said, the earlier you get your submission in, the more feedback you will receive, and you can improve both your submission and your odds of being selected.

Contributing your ideas and experiences only serves to strengthen our community. If you’ve experienced Agile firsthand and have something to say, please take the time to submit a proposal today. Agile has evolved a lot over the past 20 years and your experience will influence what the next 20 will be.

We hope you found this post informative

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Picture of Brandon Carlson

Brandon Carlson

A self-proclaimed nerd, Brandon Carlson works for Lean TECHniques, Inc., an IT consultancy that helps teams deliver high-value, high-quality products to market. Since starting his career in 1995, Brandon has held positions from development and architecture to management - and he's still learning. Passionate about developing both people and products, he and his team at Lean TECHniques have helped countless organizations from startups to Fortune 100 companies improve their product development and delivery systems. Brandon…

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