Past Events


August 5 – 9, 2019 | Gaylord National | Washington, DC

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Agile2019 Program Team

Conference Chair

Emma Armstrong

Program Chair

Brandon Carlson

Program Chair

Dana Pylayeva

Program Chair

Agile2019 Session Videos

Speed-bumps and Potholes on the Road from Projects to Products
Transitioning from projects to products made perfect sense for my client. Much of the business was digital and their websites / online-services would not be “completing” or going away soon. Development was deliberately continuous, and executives embr…
The Sun Never Sets on the Problem Solving Workshop
A fundamental agile principle is the team reflects at regular intervals how to become more effective. The SAFe Inspect and Adapt Problem Solving workshop is a wonderful opportunity for everyone on an Agile Release Train (ART) to reflect on becoming m…
Empathy: A Keystone Leadership Habit
“How information is communicated to employees during a change matters more than what information is communicated. A lack of audience empathy when conveying news about an organizational transformation can cause it to fail.” –Patty Sanchez As a leader…
Enterprise Service Planning at Optimizely
Learn how one startup moved from chaos to scrum and beyond by implementing Enterprise Service Planning (ESP) and the seven cadences and visualizing it on an evolving fifty foot wall of work, resulting in an increase in our product velocity while decr…
Government Products Deserve Love Too
Product management and the public sector seem to go together like oil and water. After all, when was the last time that you experienced a government product that you really enjoyed using? It might be rare, but user enthusiasm for products in the publ…
Evil by Design
Being a "maker" comes with an ethos. Making things and simply being creative for the sake of creativity can be a bad thing, if we're not willing to be responsible for our legacy and pretend that “design isn’t political.” We'll view case studies of co…

The Agile2019 Program Schedule

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