Past Events


July 25 – 29 | Hyatt Regency | Atlanta, GA

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Agile2016 Keynotes Sessions

Joshua Kerievsky

Industry Analyst Panel Discussion

Rebecca Parsons, Tom Grant, Ray Arell, Steve Denning

Agile2019 Program Team

Brian Button Agile Alliance Board

Conference Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Agile2016 Session Videos

Practicing Agility in Human Resources
Have you ever wished "the business" teams would practice Agile as much as "technology" teams? Be careful what you ask for! It's not as easy, in practice, as it sounds in theory. What began as a discussion to scale Agile across several Technology t…
Agile Leadership: Practical Steps to a Delicate Balance
“Step up! Step back!”… “Be a leader! Empower the team!”… “Improve predictability! Embrace change!”… Are these messages making your head spin? You are not alone. Many people who are new to an Agile leadership role struggle to know what they are suppos…
Performance Reviews that don’t Suck
Many in the agile community suggest abandoning performance reviews, but few offer suggestions for alternatives. A large percentage of software developers work in an enterprise environment where performance reviews are mandated. What if you could do …
Measuring DevOps: the Key Metrics that Matter
How is your DevOps transformation coming along? How do you measure Agility? Reliability? Efficiency? Quality? Culture? Success?! How do you optimize your software delivery processes? You can’t improve what you cannot measure. But are you measuring t…

The Agile2016 Program Schedule

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