Past Events


August 3–7, 2015 | Gaylord National | Washington, DC

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Industry Analyst Panel Discussion

Stephen Denning, Ron Jeffries, Melinda Ballou, Andre Girard, Tom Grant, Jim Newkirk

Agile2015 Program Team

Conference Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Brian Button Agile Alliance Board

Program Chair

Agile2015 Session Videos

Tribal Leadership for Agile Teams
The book Tribal Leadership introduces five stages that represent a range of behaviors that tribes (ie.: groups of 20 or more people) act and think together. These stages range from Stage 1 where "Life Sucks!" to Stage 5 where "Life is Great!". Most s…
Agile Capitalization: Invest in the Future
In many companies, agile software development is misunderstood and misreported, increasing taxes, volatility in profit and loss (P&L) and costly manual time-tracking. Agile and Scrum teams inherently create production cost data that are more veri…
Hardened Agility: Deploying Agile at a Defense Contractor
Are government contracts too rigid for agile? Is agile too undisciplined for a large defense contractor? I have faced many of the challenges of applying agile in the defense industry. In my career at General Dynamics, I've spent years using agile me…
Leading in a complex world
Thanks to globalization and the emergence and wide spread of new technologies, the world has become a very interconnected place during the past decades. This change has happened and is happening at an ever increasing speed. As a consequence, managem…
The 10 Myths of DevOps
Although not officially coined until 2009, DevOps ideals have been explicitly discussed since at least 2006. Recently, however, the term "DevOps" has gained increasing popularity across a variety of fields and industries. DevOps is not a develop…
Liven Up Agile Learning with Code Jams
One of the biggest challenges for organizations who would like to start adopting more Agile methodologies is helping their staff (and leadership) get past the uncertainty of working in a new way and embracing cultural changes. Leaders direct them to …

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