Past Events


August 3–7, 2015 | Gaylord National | Washington, DC

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Industry Analyst Panel Discussion

Stephen Denning, Ron Jeffries, Melinda Ballou, Andre Girard, Tom Grant, Jim Newkirk

Agile2015 Program Team

Conference Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Brian Button Agile Alliance Board

Program Chair

Agile2015 Session Videos

Leading Global Teams
The agile movement got its start with small collocated teams. Sometimes we have that luxury, but for most enterprises, software development is a global operation. Tams are distributed and often distributed across multiple locations and time zones. …
#awkward – Coaching a new team
When we have our most successful coaching moments, they often come from a deep groove: where we seem to anticipate the team's needs; know when the breakthroughs are coming; know how to dance between mentoring the team and letting them innovate (or st…
Agile Testing in the Enterprise
When agile development first gained popularity, agile meant collocated teams, including testers, programmers, analysts, and customers who were expected to perform many functions. As agile methods have spread and expanded, large organizations and t…
Road to No Management
We often connect leadership with management. It is a common misconception. On one level – self-organizing teams – we find it rather easy to accept that these are in fact independent concepts. We want the whole team to show leadership and take respons…
Essential Skills for the Agile Developer
It is time to get back to basics. People believe that since they know what the strategy, iterator, adapter or composite pattern are they believe they know design patterns. Unfortunately, this is akin to someone who knows 4 recipes thinking they are g…
Not Doing SAFe? No problem. Not doing these? Big Problem
SAFe has attracted a lot of attention. While its detractors claim it is mostly good marketing, it is actually because SAFe addresses many key issues in Agile at scale that are ignored by virtually all of the current popular approaches. This talk pres…
Our business pipeline is broken
Your delivery team may be focused on continuously tuning their CI/CD pipeline but who is focusing on the business pipeline? If your delivery team is not always producing new functionality at the rate you want, the bottleneck might not be in the way …

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