Past Events


July 28 – August 1 | Orlando, Florida

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Agile2014 Keynotes Sessions

Bjarte Bogsnes

Diana Larsen

Sam Guckenheimer

Industry Analyst Panel Discussion

Melinda Ballou, Tom Grant, Chris Rommel, Nathan Wilson, Jim Newkirk

Agile2014 Program Team

Conference Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Agile2014 Session Videos

Enterprise Agile?  Are You Ready?
An agile enterprise increases value through effective execution and delivery in a timely and reactive manner. Such organizations do this by streamlining the flow of information, ideas, decision making, and work throughout the overall business process…
The Agile BA
While Scrum avoids role labels such as Business Analyst (BA), the career BA often plays a critical role in the success of agile project teams. There are different opinions on how a BA can best contribute to a team, including repurposing the role i…
The Introvert’s Agile Survival Guide
There’s an elephant in the room that few people are talking about: Many Agile best practices heavily lean toward interaction, collaboration, meetings, and open work areas. These types of activities tend to exhaust an introvert, and introverts usually…
Patterns of Automation
Many organizations are introducing test automation only to find out it is more difficult than they thought it would be. Good test automation requires good coding practices. Good test automation requires good design. To do anything else will lead to s…

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