Past Events


July 28 – August 1 | Orlando, Florida

Our annual conference is dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. This is where the Agile tribes meet!

Agile2014 Keynotes Sessions

Bjarte Bogsnes

Diana Larsen

Sam Guckenheimer

Industry Analyst Panel Discussion

Melinda Ballou, Tom Grant, Chris Rommel, Nathan Wilson, Jim Newkirk

Agile2014 Program Team

Conference Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Program Chair

Agile2014 Session Videos

How-To Guide for Continuous Delivery
Continuous Delivery is a hot topic in the Agile community. Deploying every commit to your production stack is the dream that few organizations have managed to reach. Why? Because it is difficult, complex, scary, and expensive. Wouldn't it be great if…
The Impact of Agile Quantified: A de-Mystery Thriller
Ironically, much of the Agile process is based on intuition. Folklore. Anecdotes. Tradition. Faith. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AGILE HISTORY, there is solid research backed by the hard numbers of tens of thousands of teams from a pool of hundreds of…
Agile Performance Appraisals without a number
Performance Appraisals. We all have them. We mostly hate or fear them. In this session Karen Greaves shares her experience of both giving and receiving performance appraisals in a number of different organisations. She talks about what has worked …
People, System, Culture: Where Leadership Thrives
If, as Jerry Weinberg points, leadership is a process of creating an environment where people become empowered let’s focus on how we create and evolve environments we work at. One thing is how we build our teams. If we focus only on technical skills…
Want code quality? Just Ask.
Today, so many projects, both open and closed source suffer from lack of quality. Many of us are aware of the importance of testing in our development processes, but code review is something that is often overlooked or misunderstood. What does it …
How to improve Flow Efficiency, remove the red bricks
Do you want to improve end-to-end feature lead-time? It is not a question of working harder. It is a question of first removing the feature wait time, the red bricks. If you would build an end-to-end timeline for your features using red, yellow and …

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