Agile sustainability: Cultivating a sustainable future with Ines Garcia

Interview with Ines Garcia

In a world seeking sustainability heroes, the Agile Sustainability Initiative emerges as a beacon of hope. At the helm of this voyage is Ines Garcia, a visionary Agile Coach hailing from the UK. Ines stands out not just for her Agile expertise but for her passionate commitment to evolving Agile craft. As she puts it, “It’s time to take it up a notch!”

With a toolkit that includes Agile coaching, circular economy expertise, and a flair for biomimicry, she is anything but conventional.

Bridging Agile and sustainability

Ines’s journey is a testament to the power of bridging worlds. A Salesforce MVP Hall of Fame inductee, a seasoned Scrum master, and author of “Sustainable Happy Profit (Products and Organisations That Thrive),” Ines is reshaping how we think about value, waste, and impact. Her book, a great resource for those navigating the intersection of sustainability and business, echoes her call for Sustainable Agile environments.

The Agile Sustainability Initiative: A mission with a heart

“Why should the Agile community care about sustainability?” one might ask.

Ines answers this with the enthusiasm of someone who’s found their calling: “Our planet’s facing existential challenges—war, climate crisis, you name it. The Agile community is uniquely positioned to tackle these wicked problems head-on, thanks to our knack for addressing complex issues.”

Thus, the Agile Sustainability Initiative was born and co-chaired by Ines Garcia, Jutta Eckstein, and Maryse Meinen.

Milestones and “greenprints” for action

One of the initiative’s key achievements, the Agile Sustainability Manifesto, has seen over 140 signatories since its inception — each pledge a step towards a more sustainable Agile practice. The launch of the Quick Start section and the live series with manifesto signaries is a testament to the tangible actions taken to live up to this pledge. These milestones illustrate the initiative’s commitment to envision and enact change. “It’s not just a signature; it’s a pledge to leave the planet better than we found it,” Ines says.

A call to sustainable action

Ask Ines about the parts of this work that matter most to her, and she’ll tell you, “Everything!” But delve a little deeper, and you discover a philosophy that drives her, one that advocates delivering value while minimizing waste, focusing on impact, and making decisions that benefit the product, people, and the planet. It’s about evolving common Agile tools and practices, like Value Stream Mapping, to include considerations of material, energy, and transport (as first published in the handbook edition of Sustainable Happy Profit).

“How we do what we do MATTERS,” she asserts — a simple yet profound statement.

The sustainability dream

Looking ahead, Ines envisions a world where Agile practices aren’t just about efficiency and productivity but also sustainability. “We have a backlog of ideas to activate the broader Agile community towards embracing social and natural capital in everything we do,” she shares, hinting at the initiative’s ambitious future.

Join the Agile Sustainability movement

Feeling inspired? Ines has a message for you: “Check out the Agile Sustainability manifesto, take the pledge, and start applying it tangibly at work.” There’s a tribe of like-minded Agilists you can join, a space for sharing, learning, and evolving together towards a more sustainable Agile practice.

Final thoughts from Ines

Ines leaves us with a reflection that’s both a call to action and a meditation on the state of our world: “The current climate crisis underscores the necessity of a fluid and adaptive approach. We must work together, tapping into existing potential, to navigate the complex dance of reshaping, ensuring our actions remain relevant and effective amid change.”

So, if you’ve ever wondered if Agile can go hand in hand with sustainability, Ines Garcia and the Agile Sustainability Initiative are here to show you not just why it can, but why it must. After all, in the words of Ines, “Climate change isn’t just a task to tick off—it’s a beat we’re all moving to.”

Support the Agile Sustainability Initiative

Are you ready to join a movement that’s not just transforming the Agile landscape but also safeguarding our planet for future generations?

Your support today seeds the sustainable Agile practices of tomorrow. Become a member of the Agile Alliance or donate to the Agile Sustainability Initiative. Every contribution helps us develop resources, organize events, and foster a community committed to integrating sustainability into Agile approaches.

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Picture of Angie Doyle

Angie Doyle

I’m an Agile and Digital Transformation enthusiast with over 25 years of experience across various sectors like Banking, Retail, Telecom, and Insurance. My approach blends a background in product development with a thorough understanding of organizational dynamics, ensuring that the transformations I lead are not only strategic but also rooted in fostering a positive, collaborative culture. Apart from my day job, I'm actively involved with the Agile Alliance, serving on its Board of Directors, where…

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