Agile Bookstore

Ridgemoor – A novel exploration of Agile benefits & blocke

Ridgemoor University’s digital department is in trouble, and the Vice Chancellor is on the warpath.

Like so many established organisations, Ridgemoor followed the formula when adopting Agile, but something got lost in translation. Now, Vanessa, the Chief Digital & IT Officer, must fix the situation fast. That would be just fine if she didn’t already have a day job … and even finer if she had the faintest idea where to begin!

She’ll need to pull out all the stops, learn new levels of listening, field some tough conversations, and uncover a few sparks of inspiration. With luck, perhaps she’ll understand what’s really going on, how it should change, and why the prize is worth the fight.

About the Author(s)
Jeremy Worrell

Jeremy is a digital & IT advisor to CIOs and other chief officers. He likes to bring order from chaos, simplify situations, and fix broken stuff. His previous roles have included Head of Digital, Chief Architect, and Innovation Director.

He lives in the UK, on the edge of the Peak District national park. He is married and has a teenage daughter.

In case you were wondering, yes, he does have a lurcher, and yes, he does like Hamilton (despite a general presumption against musicals) … but the similarities to Vanessa probably end there.

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