Agile Videos

Build Agile Organization Lessons Learned from Aikido – Marc Gong

About this video

While Agile organization started to appear in last 20 years, the key principles for how we organize is nothing new and have been with us for thousands of years. In this session, I am taking a martial art “Aikido” (Japanese: 合気道) as example and going through the key principles in leadership, learning and transformation approaches. In these principles, learning Aikido are very similar to build Agile organization. Leaders are practitioners and teachers. Learning is via practices and peer learning. Changes are done in people body and mindset. We need to learn the rules, break away from the rules and ultimately create our own rules fitting ourselves and organization (Shu-Ha-Ri). Aikido is a way of life, so Agile is.

While Agile organization started to appear in last 20 years, the key principles for how we organize is nothing new and have been with us for thousands of years. In this session, I am taking a martial art “Aikido” (Japanese: 合気道) as example and going through the key principles in leadership, learning and transformation approaches. In these principles, learning Aikido are very similar to build Agile organization. Leaders are practitioners and teachers. Learning is via practices and peer learning. Changes are done in people body and mindset. We need to learn the rules, break away from the rules and ultimately create our own rules fitting ourselves and organization (Shu-Ha-Ri). Aikido is a way of life, so Agile is.

Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.

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