Business Agility is the new buzzword when we talk about agile transformation in terms of the whole organization. We’ve seen the growing of agile at scale in terms of processes and tools, but not in terms of business transformation. Scrum Master and Agile Coach have become important roles in agile initiatives not only for development teams but also for business squads. After this evolution, we faced the bottleneck moving from the delivery perspective to the discovery perspective, making Product Owners and Product Managers the new critical roles in agile transformations. Agile Coaches needed to expand their approaches from processes and tools to products and services, stimulating a user-centric perspective to the whole team. Now, that top management are noticing that bottlenecks are arriving at the business perspective (the need for making faster and smarter decisions; the need for supporting product and operations perspectives by short cycles of strategy analysis and execution), the Business Owner begins to emerge as the most critical role of any Agile Business transformation. This talk will present and discuss the responsibilities and authorities of a Business Owner in some successfull implementations of an agile governance model, as well as the competencies required to lead in a new economy based on Lean, Agile and Exponential mindset.