Why should I attend XP 2019?

XP 2019 is a great place to expand your knowledge about Agile development. It is a good space to learn, no matter whether you are a novice, an experienced professional, a transformation leader, or seeking to keep abreast of the latest trends in software development.

Since XP 2019 is a small-scale conference, it is a great place to listen and learn. In contrast to big industry shows with thousands of participants in a big conference center ballroom with lousy acoustics, XP 2019 is small and friendly enough to give attendees a chance to converse and discuss questions with the experts face-to-face.

The XP 2019 conference program is large, deep, and diverse – which means that most people will find something to bring back to share with their colleagues at work or school.

XP 2019’s keynote talks and research papers are the core of the conference – they explore some of the key ideas behind the Agile movement. These sessions draw on the expertise of the best university researchers, but they can also inspire experiments with new approaches in industry. Panel sessions are also on the program – and these gatherings give some of the experts and the audience a chance to debate some pressing questions about Agile methods.

Industry experience is also an important part of the XP 2019 conference program – offering many practical learning opportunities. The program contains a wide range of practical learning forums: Workshops, Tutorials, Experience Report talks, Industry & Practice talks, a Leadership Symposium, an Educators Symposium, and a Doctoral Symposium.

  • Workshops and Tutorials are sessions on a specific topic. Some are instructor-led presentations (tutorials), others are hands-on learning, and yet others are interactive explorations of issues in Agile development (workshops).
  • Experience Report talks are short talks by industry practitioners. They present specific success and failure cases from the real world.
  • Industry & Practice talks are presentations by selected Agile coaches, managers, and industry professionals and academics on innovative Agile practices – who are ready to share how they coach, manage, lead, research, and innovate.
  • The XP Symposia (Leadership, Educators, Doctoral) consist of talks, discussions, critiques, and learning opportunities on focused contexts in the Agile spectrum.

Each session offers an opportunity for you to interact with people who are leading Agile adoption and putting Agile development to work in their companies or universities. If you are currently working as an Agile coach, you can pick up useful tips on doing better coaching, improving the effectiveness of an Agile transformation, and catalyzing effective team communication. The program includes talks on specific technical practices (in areas such as architecture, design, test automation, legacy code), management practices (ranging from teamwork, Kanban, DevOps, to Business Agility), effective planning techniques, brainstorming, communication, and retrospectives.

Take a look at the program, decide what you want to explore, and set your course for XP 2019 in Montreal!

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Picture of Dennis Mancl

Dennis Mancl

Dennis Mancl has over 30 years of experience as an internal consultant on software design and agile development practices within Alcatel-Lucent and AT&T - working on design patterns, requirements modeling, reengineering existing software, and software quality practices. Dennis holds a doctorate (Computer Science) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He works as an independent technology coach and educator.

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